On the Sixth day of Winter Solstice…

…witch named brandee gave to me

The Six Realms

Most often seen as a psychological process rather than a literal plane of existence, the Six Realms of Desire are what make up Samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. We all have ways we bind ourselves to specific choices or states, get stuck in our ruts, and forget we have choices. Buddhism tries to enlighten us and allow us to move beyond this constant cycle. Which is what Nirvana is, the release from the suffering of the samsaric cycle. Each realm has its own lesson to teach. Dive into the Six Realms to see what patterns you may be repeating.

Do you find yourself constantly dissatisfied with life, needing and wanting more than what you have but never finding a place to start? Begin with the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, or Preta-gati. Or maybe you notice you’re extra defensive around someone, going straight into attack before thinking it through? Naraka-gati, the Hell Realm might have its grip on you. Or maybe you struggle to deal with the uglier parts of reality, preferring to stay in your beautiful spaces or in a vacation mindset? Try examining the Deva-gati, the God Realm.

It’s all a matter of your mindset. Pay attention to what you’re attached to. What is motivating you? Or what is holding you in place? Try examining your thought patterns through the lens of the Six Realms. Remember, the Human Realm is the only way to Nirvana.


On the Seventh day of Winter Solstice…


On the Fifth day of Winter Solstice…