Themed Origami Fortunes
Handwritten messages, folded into cute shapes, waiting to find the right person! Pick the theme and we’ll mail your fortune the next business day!
Cards are pulled by witch named brandee and they write the message that comes out! These notes are perfect those looking for serendipitous reminders and guidance. Some come with things like drawings, angel numbers, and affirmations, all are written and folded with care. Read more below about the different themes to help you decide which message is meant for you.
Love Reading
Advice focused on love, usually focused on romantic love!
What's Coming In?
A look into your nearby future! What is the next thing you’ll be dealing with? What is your advice in moving forward?
Let Me Call You Out!
Here we focus on what you need to be called out on. If you’ve been rude to yourself, giving yourself excuses, or simply needing to rest — you’ll be sure to hear about it in this reading
Past Life Message
This is a note to you from past you. There’s something in your past patterns that needs your attention, and who better to hear it from than you! The perspective could be of you from an earlier point in your life, an ancestor’s life, or a mythical deity — the point is to show you something in a different way so you can better focus on the bigger picture
From the Fae
The messages around this theme are more abstract. They might contain poetic phrasing rather than an explanation. Most have illustrations. These are great when you’re looking for what kinds of symbols you should be paying attention to.
Creative Block Help
Get unstuck! These readings are about how to get you past your creative block by giving you prompts or methods to use. Save for when you need it or plan a project around the advice.
Handwritten messages, folded into cute shapes, waiting to find the right person! Pick the theme and we’ll mail your fortune the next business day!
Cards are pulled by witch named brandee and they write the message that comes out! These notes are perfect those looking for serendipitous reminders and guidance. Some come with things like drawings, angel numbers, and affirmations, all are written and folded with care. Read more below about the different themes to help you decide which message is meant for you.
Love Reading
Advice focused on love, usually focused on romantic love!
What's Coming In?
A look into your nearby future! What is the next thing you’ll be dealing with? What is your advice in moving forward?
Let Me Call You Out!
Here we focus on what you need to be called out on. If you’ve been rude to yourself, giving yourself excuses, or simply needing to rest — you’ll be sure to hear about it in this reading
Past Life Message
This is a note to you from past you. There’s something in your past patterns that needs your attention, and who better to hear it from than you! The perspective could be of you from an earlier point in your life, an ancestor’s life, or a mythical deity — the point is to show you something in a different way so you can better focus on the bigger picture
From the Fae
The messages around this theme are more abstract. They might contain poetic phrasing rather than an explanation. Most have illustrations. These are great when you’re looking for what kinds of symbols you should be paying attention to.
Creative Block Help
Get unstuck! These readings are about how to get you past your creative block by giving you prompts or methods to use. Save for when you need it or plan a project around the advice.
Handwritten messages, folded into cute shapes, waiting to find the right person! Pick the theme and we’ll mail your fortune the next business day!
Cards are pulled by witch named brandee and they write the message that comes out! These notes are perfect those looking for serendipitous reminders and guidance. Some come with things like drawings, angel numbers, and affirmations, all are written and folded with care. Read more below about the different themes to help you decide which message is meant for you.
Love Reading
Advice focused on love, usually focused on romantic love!
What's Coming In?
A look into your nearby future! What is the next thing you’ll be dealing with? What is your advice in moving forward?
Let Me Call You Out!
Here we focus on what you need to be called out on. If you’ve been rude to yourself, giving yourself excuses, or simply needing to rest — you’ll be sure to hear about it in this reading
Past Life Message
This is a note to you from past you. There’s something in your past patterns that needs your attention, and who better to hear it from than you! The perspective could be of you from an earlier point in your life, an ancestor’s life, or a mythical deity — the point is to show you something in a different way so you can better focus on the bigger picture
From the Fae
The messages around this theme are more abstract. They might contain poetic phrasing rather than an explanation. Most have illustrations. These are great when you’re looking for what kinds of symbols you should be paying attention to.
Creative Block Help
Get unstuck! These readings are about how to get you past your creative block by giving you prompts or methods to use. Save for when you need it or plan a project around the advice.
Reading Disclaimer from brandee: “Reading tarot is subject to interpretation and no one is perfect. Readings are for entertainment purposes only. The future is always changing and we all have individual autonomy. The best readings will be a confirmation of what’s already been on your mind rather than brand-new information. My advice is always a suggestion and is not a replacement for medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice.”