Piecing the Sentence Together: Part Three
“I know what all the cards mean, I just don’t know how to piece them together into something meaningful.” This sentiment is the main issue I hear from people learning how to read tarot. Sure, memorizing 78 individual cards can be tricky but it seems like many people get stuck on contextualizing the cards.
If you find yourself in a similar place, I’m here to help! This is part three of four I’ve written about how to build the meaning of the cards together into a useful tarot reading. Each card has its own definition (and evergrowing collective understanding), when laid out in a spread they complete full sentences of meaning. Part one was on reading the cards as a story, part two was about asking better questions and this article will focus on letting go. To hear the answers as your Spirit team intends, you must let go of what you think you ought to be learning. Though this information can be expounded upon to read cards for others, I would greatly suggest reading for yourself before moving on to reading for others.
After discussing what you need to let go of and how, I’ve included a practice, a ritual to try. Take it as your homework if you want. The best way to get better at anything is to try, practice, and see what way works best for you. Remember that you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be open to learning.
Part Three: Letting Go
To access the messages brought out by tarot cards, you have to release what you thought the answer would be to let yourself process what cards did come out. It sounds like an obvious thing but often you have to confront your ego and accept that things are a bit different than you thought, especially while packaged with some things you did expect. The truth is usually messy and filled with things we don’t know, if you’re going to be open to the messages as they are, you have to let go of control. You will need to suspend what you know, the way you know it, while still allowing yourself to be present with your wants and desires.
There are many ways to describe connecting with Spirit to divine meaning (channeling, tuning in, receiving downloads, meditating) and there are also many ways to open these lines of communication (tarot cards, runes, palmistry, charm casting, dancing, painting, cooking, praying, writing). To open yourself to any divine messages you will have to release control over the message in some respect. Spiritual or not, we all experience a version of this called a Flow State. A place where creativity flourishes and self-criticism is diminished.
Let go of that inner critic, to read effectively you have to stop stopping yourself. When you are speaking your own thoughts, you are the driver or the author. When you’re channeling, you still have the ability to steer but you should find grooves, or currents, to use. The strength and feel of these currents will ultimately depend on your personal connection with spirit. There’s a smooth, easeful certainty to it. Suddenly, you know exactly what to say and are finding the right, resonate notes to hit. For some this place can come with vivid imagery, others are gifted with eloquent words. Some people channel through dance, some through music. It can feel a bit thrilling to access and if you’re not in the right mental state it can even be a little frightening. My hope is that you can use these tips to seek revolutionary change, take accountability, and connect with your highest self. I have found some things about the tarot process that I think are useful to know and can help to keep things productive while using tarot (or any divination, really) in your life.
1. You have control in the process. You can close out your session by putting the cards away. It’s much easier if you have a clear sense of what your energy feels like so you can recognize when you’ve picked up someone else’s. As you close out your session, ask all energy that is not yours to leave. When necessary, put the phone on do not disturb and take some time offline in some way. If you don’t like the energy you’re working with, don’t work with that energy — or person.
2. You’ll have to use discernment to know what messages are for you. If a message does not resonate, it is not for you. When we’re trying to look into future possibilities it can be tricky to know what is for you. It will be up to you to place the message in the right place, and only you can really know where it fits. Any message for you should be useful. If it’s negative, a good message will also offer something to do about it. You’re allowed to set boundaries while pulling cards, you don’t have to go down the road.
3. Use clarifiers wisely. Asking further questions is much better than “are you sure.”
4. I’m a strong believer that a healing process should be challenging, but not harmful. If it hurts too much to go certain places, build up your courage by facing other problems and come back later. Again, it should feel useful. You should gain clarity, not confuse yourself further.
I say these things to remind you to stay grounded. Keep up with whatever practices make you feel better, and let yourself drop things when they don’t work.
Staying grounded is necessary because channeling feels like having all the answers. Sometimes the message will interrupt your regular train of thought. Maybe you are brought to a small detail on a card, a specific number, or drawn to look up a definition. Letting go here is so crucial so you can allow yourself to use these hints from spirit. You need to be able to trust that you are called to the right topics. You may be used to your brain forming sentences only to find a mind full of songs when you try to understand your message. Let go of how the message is “supposed” to come in and let yourself see what is already there. If you’re drawn to a song or an animal, let yourself ask why. Or, even better, just notice. Trust that you will be given the why, that you will have the answers you need. Trust that you’re pulling the right cards, shuffling the right way. And LET GO of the voice telling you otherwise.
Breathing and meditation techniques help us notice our thoughts without judgment and help us be better listeners in reading tarot. Active listening is a huge part of reading cards. You need to be able to be open enough to hear past your own thoughts. However, you need to stop yourself before you give away your voice and autonomy. Let’s think about it like a conversation (because it is). We’ve all had the frustrating experience of talking to someone who is clearly only listening to respond. They don’t hear your side of things, they just want to jump onto their next talking point. The flip side, when there’s little to no response, can also be frustrating. Maybe they don’t know much about the topic or just aren’t interested or perhaps don’t have the energy. Our different personal preferences will, of course, place our ideal conversation somewhere between these two extremes. When you talk with someone when you’re both in the right state to communicate, there’s a lovely pacing to the interaction. Those conversations where you lose track of time, you lose track of who is talking or what wasn’t said because you’re just having a good time. That is precisely the energy you want while reading cards.
Show up for your side of the conversation. Listen to understand, not just to respond. Focus your attention on the message. Try saying the message outloud like you’re speaking to a friend. If you don’t understand the message start by saying the definition or what you know about the card. If you need more information, allow yourself to follow up and ask questions. Be open to any answer, any possibility. Leave the judgment out of the process. Remember that the very best way you can show you were listening is to implement whatever change needed to occur. Communicate with the cards that are in front of you. See what information is being brought out today and let your mind float to that next association rather than brushing it away. Trust what you are being called to. Let go of the bit of ego that needs to be proven right. Allow yourself to float from topic to topic, from card to card. Let go of the way you wanted to hear the message and allow yourself to try to understand it as it stands.
So, when getting yourself ready to read cards, slow down, take some deep breaths, and tune in to your flow state of awareness. Let yourself add some music, light a candle, put some crystals out, or whatever else helps you set the scene and mood. Come to the cards ready to listen and respond, even just to ask a follow-up question. If you’re not understanding the message as it’s layed out, check in with yourself. Are you bringing your ego to this process? Are you ready to hear the message? What distractions are you allowing in? What have you not payed attention to?